By Sadie Collins

Exploring Your Campus Community

Uncover Your Stripes

Fact: The University of Missouri is a big place. Another fact: the bigger the place, the more communities there are where you can feel at home. This is the time to discover new passions, grow roots in new corners of campus, and find your perfect fit.

Use these three tools to explore the Tiger community:

Unlock Events, Clubs and Adventure

MU Engage is the hub for every type of event. Nothing to do on a Friday afternoon? Check the calendar to see what’s happening on campus that day. Looking to join a niche club you’re positive doesn’t exist at Mizzou? Do a quick search – it probably does, and it might be meeting right now.

“MU Engage is the one-stop shop for all things student organizations and student events,” said Konnor Arrowood, student service coordinator working with MU Engage. “Anything you want to find to get involved on campus, you can find it there.”

Connect with Fellow Transfer Students

If you’re a transfer student, TEAM (Transfer Experience and Advising Mentors) is designed to help make it a smooth transition. TEAM combines a 10-week program with one-on-one mentoring, weekly group meetings, social events and service projects throughout the semester.

“To my fellow transfers, I encourage you to join TEAM,” said Hanna Caldwell, a current MU graduate student who transferred to MU as a sophomore. “You will find the things that make this campus feel like home, and hopefully, some other people to help you catch up on all the Mizzou traditions – there’s a lot to learn!”

Get the Right Support

Your first semester at Mizzou can be a big adjustment – and you might still have questions. If you’re new to Mizzou this semester, complete the new student check-in by Sept. 17, and Mizzou will follow up with resources tailored to where you need extra empowerment.

Jessie Johns, Coordinator for Assessment in the Department of Student Affairs, explains why it’s so important.

“We’re here to reach out to you and, based on your responses, we can help out with involvement, academics, finances, or even if you just miss home,” Jessie said. “Because guess what? I did, too.”