Tips for staying on track this semester
By Bre’Awna Warren Bailey Reeder, Academic Early Alert Coordinator, MU Connect Midterms are just around the corner. With some guided support and resources, you can lock in with schoolwork while maintaining your mental health. From advisors to professors to the…
Cody Baggett
As a student: “I was super involved in athletics and student organizations, and I worked as a resident advisor with Residential Life for 3 years.”
Amy Adam
As a student: “I was a first-generation transfer student, so at first, I had no idea what I was doing. That experience led me to want to become an academic advisor.”
Kati Abbott
As a student: “I thought I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, but I ended up changing my major to psychology. In the process, I did a lot of education-based courses, which I use daily.”