By Theo Schwinke

Six simple steps to get ready for registration

It’s almost time to choose your spring classes.

We spoke to three University of Missouri academic advisors about how to get the most out of your registration advising appointment and register successfully. 

Check your university email

The university will send official communication only to your university email address.


“I can’t stress this enough,” said Cody Baggett, director of student services in the College of Health Sciences. “Your university email is where you’ll get all the information and to-dos you need to register successfully. If we need you to come see us, that’s how we will contact you.”

Know your registration time and date

You can find your registration time and date in MyZou.


“First, be patient and wait until it’s your time to register,” said Amy Adam, program manager for student support services in the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies. “If you try to log in early, MyZou will not let you register. Then, once your time comes, register as soon as possible to get the best selection of classes.”

Schedule an advising appointment

Invest time in your relationship with your advisor and build a relationship with them.


“Advising isn’t something we do just once or twice a year,” Baggett said. “It’s just part of an ongoing conversation. The more contact you have with your advisor, the fewer surprises you’re going to have down the road.”

Prepare for your advising appointment

It’s your responsibility to schedule appointments with your advisor, which you can do through MU Connect.


“Before your registration appointment with your advisor, do a degree audit in MyZou,” said Kati Abbott, undergraduate academic advisor in the College of Arts & Science. “This will let you know what requirements you still need to fulfill. Also, look at your plan of study and use the schedule planner so you can share that plan when you sit down with your advisor.”

Be open about your interests

Your advisor wants to get to know you as an individual so they can help you meet your goals.


“Be up front about your plans for the future,” Abbott said. “When we know what you want to do, it’s easier to help you find classes. Your interests can become the basis for a minor or a certificate that will help you stand out among a pool of applicants.”

Be OK with changing your mind

Don’t be surprised if your plans or priorities change over the course of your academic career.


“Be open to change,” Baggett said. “Sometimes it turns out that your major you thought you wanted isn’t the best fit. The journey through college is very seldom a straight line. When you have questions, turn to us. We’re navigators.”

Ready to start?

The registration task center in MizzouOne has everything you need to get ready to register. Find your registration appointment time, schedule an appointment with your advisor, review and remove registration holds and more.