Support is all around

Excel in Academics

Top student tip:

Reserve Study Rooms

Schedule time and space to focus on assignments by reserving study rooms in Ellis Library and the Student Unions.

Student studying in library.

Get research help

Ask a Librarian

Mizzou librarians are happy to help you with research in any subject, and can be contacted by phone, text, chat, email or 1:1 consultation.

Student looking at books in library.

In person, Zoom or online

Ask a Writing Tutor

Visit the Writing Center for help with any kind of writing – from discussion posts to research papers.

Students meeting in Writing Center.

Friendly and knowledgeable peers

Academic Coaching and Tutoring

Academic Coaching: learn how to study, take notes, manage time, manage test anxiety, and more.

Tiger Tutors: Ask questions, review material and discuss problems with trained students who took your course.

Students who use the Learning Center earn higher average grades!

Students in Learning Center at Mizzou.

Develop key skills

Student Success Coaching

The student success coach in the Office of Academic Access and Leadership Development ensures you have the resources, guidance and encouragement you need to thrive.

Students at success event.

Free comprehensive assistance

TriO Student Support Services

If you’re a first-generation college student, have low-income, OR a documented disability, apply for TRiO services, including 1:1 academic tutoring.

Students at Student Success Center.

Holistic support

Center for Academic Success & Excellence

CASE provides academic enrichment, career development, financial literacy, guidance on high-impact learning, and mentorship for Mizzou student scholars.

Student meeting at CASE.

Connect with us

Disability Center

If you qualify for accommodations, the Disability Center can help you thrive in the classroom and beyond.

Disability Center testing services at Mizzou.


Enroll in the payment plan by Feb. 9 or pay your student account balance in full by Feb. 10.

Faculty & Staff Toolkits

Weekly toolkits are available for faculty and staff to communicate what Tigers need to know. Toolkits include:

  • Horizontal LED
  • Vertical LED
  • PPT slide
  • Messaging